Gravitational waves: three sensational discovery in physics

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Two black holes collided in a galaxy far away. During this event such a huge amount of energy released that had not been experienced before. The energy equivalent to three thousand supernova explosions was carried away by gravitational waves. The existence of gravitational waves was predicted by Einstein hundred years ago and this is the first time when it was detected. The waves detected can inform us about the dramatic collision of the black holes.

Congratulation message from Atomki. The structures were created with proton microbeam in magnetic polimer nanocomposit.The discovery is due to the international scientific collaboration LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory). Both gravitational wave detectors of LIGO detected the same signal at the same time (signal to noise ratio: 24). The efficiency of the detectors was considerebly increased in 2015 and they could detect the signal immediately in Sept 2015.


Molnár József is the leader of the Atomki group participating in the development and operating of infrasound detectors of LIGO and they are involved in the evaluation of the detected infrasound signals as well.

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Original publication: Physical Review Letters