APHA Szerző - Aumayr F.4


 Conceptual design and sample preparation of electrode covered single glass macro-capillaries for studying the effect of an external electric field on particle guiding.

Authors Wartak A.,  Bereczky R. J.,  Kowarik G.,  Tôkési K.,  Aumayr F.
Megjelenés helye SCI Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 354 (2015) 324
Impact factor 1.3892015
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Atomic and Molecular Physics
Materials Science and Analytics
Linkek Hivatkozások (1)


 Nano-structuring of CaF2 surfaces by slow highly charged ions: Simulation and experiment.

Authors Wachter G.,  Tôkési K.,  Betz G.,  Lemell Ch.,  Burgdörfer J.,  El-Said A. S.,  Wilhelm R. A.,  Heller R.,  Facsko S.,  Ritter R.,  Aumayr F.
Megjelenés helye Journal of Physics: Conference Series 488 (2014) 2015
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Materials Science and Analytics


 Temperature control of ion guiding through insulating capillaries.

Authors Gruber E.,  Kowarik G.,  Ladinig F.,  Waclawek J. P.,  Schrempf D.,  Aumayr F.,  Bereczky R. J.,  Tôkési K.,  Gunacker P.,  Schweigler T.,  Lemell Ch.,  Burgdörfer J.
Megjelenés helye Physical Review A 86 (2012) 2901
Impact factor 3.0422012
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Atomic and Molecular Physics
Linkek Hivatkozások (12)


 The effect of temperature on guiding of slow highly charged ions through a mesoscopic glass capillary.

Authors Bereczky R. J.,  Kowarik G.,  Ladinig F.,  Schrempf D.,  Tôkési K.,  Aumayr F.
Megjelenés helye Journal of Physics: Conference Series 388 (2012) 2031
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Atomic and Molecular Physics


 Sample holder for studying temperature dependent particle guiding.

Authors Bereczky R. J.,  Kowarik G.,  Tôkési K.,  Aumayr F.
Megjelenés helye SCI Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 279 (2012) 182
Impact factor 1.2662012
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Materials Science and Analytics
Linkek Hivatkozások (5)


 Transmission of 4.5 keV Ar9+ ions through a single glass macrocapillary.

Authors Kowarik G.,  Bereczky R. J.,  Lemaignan C.,  Tôkési K.,  Aumayr F.
Megjelenés helye 23rd Symposium on Surface Science 2010. 3S10. St.Christoph / St.Anton am Arlber, Austria, 7-13 March, 2010. Proceedings. Eds: Aumayr, F. et al. Wien, TU 0 (2011) 111
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Atomic and Molecular Physics


 Tuning the efficiency of capillary guiding.

Authors Kowarik G.,  Bereczky R. J.,  Ladinig F.,  Tôkési K.,  Aumayr F.
Megjelenés helye 7th International Symposium on Atomic Level Characterizations for New Materials and Devices. ALC 11. Seoul, Republic of Korea, 22-27 May, 2011 0 (2011) 0
Character Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Topics Atomic and Molecular Physics


 The effect of temperature on guiding of slow highly charged ions through mesoscopic glass capillaries (Abstr.: p. 34).

Authors Bereczky R. J.,  Kowarik G.,  Ladinig F.,  Tôkési K.,  Aumayr F.
Megjelenés helye 5th Conference on Elementary Processes in Atomic Systems. CEPAS 2011. Belgrade, Serbia, 21-25 June, 2011 0 (2011) 0
Character Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Topics Atomic and Molecular Physics


 Guiding of slow highly charged ions through a single mesoscopic glass capillary.

Authors Bereczky R. J.,  Kowarik G.,  Lemaignan C.,  Macé A.,  Ladinig F.,  Raab R.,  Aumayr F.,  Tôkési K.
Megjelenés helye 21st International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry. Fortworth, USA, 8-13 Aug., 2010. CAARI 2010. Proceedings. New York, AIP (AIP Conference Proceedings 1336) 0 (2011) 119
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Atomic and Molecular Physics
Linkek Hivatkozások (2)


 Transmission of 4.5 keV Ar9+ ions through a single glass macrocapillary.

Authors Bereczky R. J.,  Kowarik G.,  Lemaignan C.,  Aumayr F.,  Tôkési K.
Megjelenés helye Journal of Physics: Conference Series 194 (2009) 2019
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Atomic and Molecular Physics
Linkek Hivatkozások (2)
Összes Publikációja

H22455 --> P14751

Megjelenés helye 16th International Conference, Physics of Highly Charged Ions. Heidelberg, Germany, 2-7 Sept., 2012. Book of Abstracts
Year of publication 2012
Page 136
Hivatkozó Aumayr F.
Linkek Hivatkozott Publikáció

H54443 --> P27196

Megjelenés helye SCI European Physical Journal D
Year of publication 2015
Page 3
Volume 69
Hivatkozó Aumayr F.
Linkek Hivatkozott Publikáció

H56510 --> P30185

Megjelenés helye SCI European Physical Journal D
Year of publication 2015
Page 169
Volume 69
Hivatkozó Aumayr F.
Linkek Hivatkozott Publikáció
Összes Hivatkozása

Szerzői Táblázat

Total Headed by ATOMKI under name
of the author
Part of the author Part of the author & ATOMKI
Cited publications:800.7650
Non-locally cited publications:800.7650
Cited SCIpublications:400.4750
Non-locally cited SCIpublications:400.4750
SCICited publications:700.6650
Non-locally SCIcited publications:700.6650
SCICited SCIpublications:300.3750
Non-locally SCIcited SCIpublications:300.3750
Non-local citations:7107.0030
Non-local SCIcitations:5004.7720
Averaged impact:0.89601.6190
SCIaveraged impact:1.24200.4750
Citational effectivity:9.2500.7650
Non-local citational effectivity:8.87500.7650
SCIcitational effectivity:7.28600.6650
Non-local SCIcitational effectivity:7.14300.6650
Publications, n:4.765000
SCIPublications, n:3.25000
Cited publications, n:4.875000
Non-locally cited publications, n:4.875000
Cited SCIpublications, n:3.25000
Non-locally cited SCIpublications, n:3.25000
SCICited publications, n:5000
Non-locally SCIcited publications, n:5000
SCICited SCIpublications, n:3000
Non-locally SCIcited SCIpublications, n:3000