APHA Szerző - Wildenthal B H.4


 Transition strenghts in the mirror nuclei 25Mg, 25Al. (abst.: Tampere Univ. of Technology Department of Electrical Engineering, physics report 7-90 p.13:8).

Authors Tikkanen P.,  Keinonen J.,  Kangasmaki A.,  Kiss Á. Z.,  Somorjai E.,  Wildenthal B H.
Megjelenés helye XIV. Annual Meeting of the Finnish Physical Society, Tampere, Finland, 29-31 March, 1990 0 (1991) 0
Character Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Topics Nuclear Physics


 Short lifetimes for tests of sd-shell states.

Authors Keinonen J.,  Tikkanen P.,  Kuronen A.,  Kiss Á. Z.,  Somorjai E.,  Wildenthal B H.
Megjelenés helye Contemporary Topics in Nuclear Structure Physics, Mexico, 9-14 June, 1988 0 (1991) 0
Character Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Topics Nuclear Physics


 Short lifetimes in 29Si-29P for the test of shell-model wave functions.

Authors Tikkanen P.,  Keinonen J.,  Kuronen A.,  Kiss Á. Z.,  Koltay E.,  Pintye É.,  Wildenthal B H.
Megjelenés helye SCI Nuclear Physics A 517 (1990) 176
Impact factor 2.0991990
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Nuclear Physics
Linkek Hivatkozások (5)


 Short lifetimes in 29Si-29P for test of shell-model wave functions.

Authors Keinonen J.,  Kuronen A.,  Kiss Á. Z.,  Koltay E.,  Pintye É.,  Wildenthal B H.
Megjelenés helye University of Helsinki, Department of Physics, Annual Report 1989 0 (1990) 25
Character Annual Report
Topics Nuclear Physics


 Transition strengths in the mirror nuclei 25Mg-25Al.

Authors Tikkanen P.,  Keinonen J.,  Kiss Á. Z.,  Somorjai E.,  Wildenthal B H.
Megjelenés helye University of Helsinki, Department of Physics, Annual Report 1989 0 (1990) 25
Character Annual Report
Topics Nuclear Physics


 Short lifetimes in 24Mg for test of rotational collectivity in shell-model wave functions.

Authors Keinonen J.,  Tikkanen P.,  Kuronen A.,  Kiss Á. Z.,  Somorjai E.,  Wildenthal B H.
Megjelenés helye University of Helsinki, Department of Physics Annual Report 1988 0 (1989) 30
Character Annual Report
Topics Nuclear Physics


 Transition strengths in the mirror nuclei 29Si-29P.

Authors Tikkanen P.,  Keinonen J.,  Kiss Á. Z.,  Wildenthal B H.
Megjelenés helye University of Helsinki, Department of Physics Annual Report 1988 0 (1989) 29
Character Annual Report
Topics Nuclear Physics


 Transition strenghts in the mirror nuclei 29Si-29P (University of Helsinki, Report Series in Physics (HU-P-251-1989) p.29).

Authors Tikkanen P.,  Keinonen J.,  Kiss Á. Z.,  Wildenthal B H.
Megjelenés helye XXIII Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society. March 30-April 1, 1989, Haikko, Finland 0 (1989) 0
Character Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Topics Nuclear Physics


 Short lifetimes in 24Mg for test of rotational collectivity in shell-model wave functions.

Authors Keinonen J.,  Tikkanen P.,  Kuronen A.,  Kiss Á. Z.,  Somorjai E.,  Wildenthal B H.
Megjelenés helye SCI Nuclear Physics A 493 (1989) 124
Impact factor 2.2451989
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Nuclear Physics
Linkek Hivatkozások (16)


 Systematic study of short lifetimes in sd-shell nuclei:short lifetimes in 24Mg.

Authors Keinonen J.,  Tikkanen P.,  Kuronen A.,  Kiss Á. Z.,  Somorjai E.,  Wildenthal B H.
Megjelenés helye Atomki Annual Report 1987 0 (1988) 30
Character Annual Report
Topics Nuclear Physics
Összes Publikációja

Szerzői Táblázat

Total Headed by ATOMKI under name
of the author
Part of the author Part of the author & ATOMKI
Cited publications:200.1310
Non-locally cited publications:200.1310
Cited SCIpublications:200.1310
Non-locally cited SCIpublications:200.1310
SCICited publications:200.1310
Non-locally SCIcited publications:200.1310
SCICited SCIpublications:200.1310
Non-locally SCIcited SCIpublications:200.1310
Non-local citations:1501.1070
Non-local SCIcitations:1300.9410
Averaged impact:0.36201.2860
SCIaveraged impact:2.17200.1310
Citational effectivity:10.500.1310
Non-local citational effectivity:7.500.1310
SCIcitational effectivity:800.1310
Non-local SCIcitational effectivity:6.500.1310
Publications, n:4.667000
SCIPublications, n:5.5000
Cited publications, n:5.5000
Non-locally cited publications, n:5.5000
Cited SCIpublications, n:5.5000
Non-locally cited SCIpublications, n:5.5000
SCICited publications, n:5.5000
Non-locally SCIcited publications, n:5.5000
SCICited SCIpublications, n:5.5000
Non-locally SCIcited SCIpublications, n:5.5000