What happens in an attosecond at ELI-ALPS?

Seminar What happens in an attosecond at ELI-ALPS?

Divéki Zsolt

Time 2025-02-06 11:00
Place HUN-REN ATOMKI (Debrecen, Bem tér 18/c)
Description of event

The natural time scale for electron dynamics in matter is attosecond (10-18 s). In order to study such phenomena, one has to produce pulses that can probe them on that time scale. ELI-ALPS is one of the places where users can apply for beamtime and study laser – matter interaction with attosecond temporal resolution.

The presentation will introduce to the audience the techniques for attosecond pulse generation, characterization and their application to various purposes. The presentation will highlight the study of water in the form of vapour, liquid and ice.

Other information
  • Tea and cookies are offered 30 minutes before the seminar.