APHA Szerző - Wirtz L.4


 Collisions of slow highly charged ions with surfaces.

Authors Burgdörfer J.,  Lemell Ch.,  Schiessl K.,  Solleder B.,  Reinhold C. O.,  Tôkési K.,  Wirtz L.
Megjelenés helye 24th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions. Rosario, Argentina, 20-26 July, 2005. Proceedings Book. Eds.: P.D. Fainstein, M.A.P. Lima, J.E. Miraglia et al. New Jersey etc., World Scientific 0 (2006) 16
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Atomic and Molecular Physics
Materials Science and Analytics
Linkek Hivatkozások (2)


 Collisions of slow highly charged ions with surfaces.

Authors Burgdörfer J.,  Lemell Ch.,  Schiessl K.,  Solleder B.,  Reinhold C. O.,  Tôkési K.,  Wirtz L.
Megjelenés helye 24th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions. ICPEAC. Rosario, Argentina, 20-26 July, 2005 0 (2005) 0
Character Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Topics Atomic and Molecular Physics
Materials Science and Analytics


 Electron emission from surfaces induced by HCI and lasers.

Authors Lemell Ch.,  Tong X. -M.,  Tôkési K.,  Wirtz L.,  Burgdörfer J.
Megjelenés helye SCI Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 235 (2005) 425
Impact factor 1.1812005
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Atomic and Molecular Physics
Linkek DOI Hivatkozások (3)


 Electron emission from surfaces induced by HCI and lasers (abstr.: p. 14).

Authors Lemell Ch.,  Tong X. -M.,  Tôkési K.,  Wirtz L.,  Burgdörfer J.
Megjelenés helye 12th European Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions. HCI 2004. Vilnius, Lithuania, 6-11 Sept., 2004 0 (2004) 0
Character Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Topics Atomic and Molecular Physics


 Angular distribution of highly charged ions transmitted through metallic microcapillaries.

Authors Tôkési K.,  Wirtz L.,  Lemell Ch.,  Burgdörfer J.
Megjelenés helye Atomki Annual Report 2002 0 (2003) 50
Character Annual Report
Topics Atomic and Molecular Physics


 Angular distribution of highly charged ions transmitted through metallic microcapillaries.

Authors Tôkési K.,  Wirtz L.,  Lemell Ch.,  Burgdörfer J.
Megjelenés helye SCI Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 129 (2003) 195
Impact factor 1.2372003
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Atomic and Molecular Physics
Materials Science and Analytics
Linkek DOI Hivatkozások (2)


 Electron energy loss spectra of germanium (Abstr.: p. 55).

Authors Tôkési K.,  Wirtz L.,  Lemell Ch.,  Burgdörfer J.
Megjelenés helye 22nd Werner Brandt Workshop Particle and Ware Penetration in Condensed Matters. Universitaires Notre-Dame de al Paix. Namur, Belgium, 27-29 June, 2002 0 (2002) 0
Character Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Topics Atomic and Molecular Physics
Materials Science and Analytics


 Angular distribution of highly charged ions transmitted through metallic microcapillaries (Abstr.: p. 54).

Authors Tôkési K.,  Wirtz L.,  Lemell Ch.,  Burgdörfer J.
Megjelenés helye 22nd Werner Brandt Workshop Particle and Ware Penetration in Condensed Matters. Universitaires Notre-Dame de al Paix. Namur, Belgium, 27-29 June, 2002 0 (2002) 0
Character Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Topics Atomic and Molecular Physics
Materials Science and Analytics


 Scattering of highly charged ions at microcapillaries.

Authors Tôkési K.,  Wirtz L.,  Lemell Ch.,  Tong X. -M.,  Burgdörfer J.
Megjelenés helye Photonic, electronic, and atomic collision. XXII International Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, July 18-24, 2001. Proceeding. Eds.: Joachim Burgdörfer, James S. Cohen, Sheldon Datz, et al. Princeton, Rinton Press 0 (2002) 580
Character Scientific paper, proceedings
Topics Atomic and Molecular Physics
Materials Science and Analytics


 Hollow ion formation in microcapillary transmission.

Authors Tôkési K.,  Wirtz L.,  Lemell Ch.,  Tong X. -M.,  Burgdörfer J.
Megjelenés helye Atom- és Molekulafizikus Találkozó. Debrecen, 2001. szeptember 7-8. 0 (2001) 0
Character Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Topics Atomic and Molecular Physics
Materials Science and Analytics
Összes Publikációja

H10389 --> P12247

Megjelenés helye PhD Thesis. Technische Universitat, Wien
Year of publication 2001
Page 1
Hivatkozó Wirtz L.
Linkek Hivatkozott Publikáció

H15586 --> P11638

Megjelenés helye PhD Thesis. Technische Universitat, Wien
Year of publication 2001
Hivatkozó Wirtz L.
Linkek Hivatkozott Publikáció

H24351 --> P13316

Megjelenés helye PhD Thesis. Technische Universitat, Wien
Year of publication 2001
Page 1
Hivatkozó Wirtz L.
Linkek Hivatkozott Publikáció
Összes Hivatkozása

Szerzői Táblázat

Total Headed by ATOMKI under name
of the author
Part of the author Part of the author & ATOMKI
Cited publications:700.8380
Non-locally cited publications:700.8380
Cited SCIpublications:600.7670
Non-locally cited SCIpublications:600.7670
SCICited publications:700.8380
Non-locally SCIcited publications:700.8380
SCICited SCIpublications:600.7670
Non-locally SCIcited SCIpublications:600.7670
Non-local citations:116014.7760
Non-local SCIcitations:7008.8850
Averaged impact:0.3603.580
SCIaveraged impact:1.54200.9330
Citational effectivity:17.28600.8380
Non-local citational effectivity:16.57100.8380
SCIcitational effectivity:10.28600.8380
Non-local SCIcitational effectivity:1000.8380
Publications, n:3.767000
SCIPublications, n:2.857000
Cited publications, n:3.429000
Non-locally cited publications, n:3.429000
Cited SCIpublications, n:3000
Non-locally cited SCIpublications, n:3000
SCICited publications, n:3.429000
Non-locally SCIcited publications, n:3.429000
SCICited SCIpublications, n:3000
Non-locally SCIcited SCIpublications, n:3000